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Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Info Post
By Mattie MacDonald

Men tend to read less than women, according to many different surveys. They also do not appear to enjoy fiction as much as their female counterparts. One theory used to explain this is that the brains of females work differently and therefore they are able to have more empathy for characters in fictional novels. The fact is that females are a very important part of the market when it comes to selling fiction. New books for women readers are readily available and many of these can be purchased from online stores.

Surveys have also established that male and female reading habits are rather different. While females tend to find it difficult to put a book down once they have started reading, males do not seem to have this problem. Many of them admit to leaving a book or two unfinished. They prefer non-fiction on the whole and often read more technical literature aimed at solving problems or teaching them how to do something.

There are websites devoted exclusively to providing novels suited to the female reader. They provide an opportunity for them to share their favorite novels and get advice from others on what to read next. They can write reviews and post questions on forums as well as receive notifications regarding new publications.

Matching users with suitable content is the aim of most of these websites. Novels are broken down into many categories, enabling a search to be conducted in a variety of ways. This allows users to find exactly what they are looking more easily. They do not have to wade through thousands of novels to find one that is suitable.

If they have finished reading all the novels written by a certain author, other authors of the same type of novels may also be recommended. Best sellers, top picks and other categories give insight into what novels are most popular with the reading public. Reviews, some of which are written by customers and others by in-house editors, may also be helpful when making a decision.

Female authors are publishing novels covering a vast range of genres today. Themes cover a vast range of topics to which a female reader can relate such as relationships, her place in society and her dreams. From forensic pathologists to fantasy heroines, the characters are often strong and courageous. Another popular choice is female authors who write real life stories about how they have survived chronic illness, abuse or violence. Their stories are often heartrending to read but inspiring and uplifting too.

One genre that appeals to many females is romance, perhaps because it provides a welcome escape from humdrum existence. Even those who prefer to read worthy, serious literature may take a dip into the romance genre at times for some relief. They can set aside reality for a time and indulge in rewarding fantasy.

Mystery, crime, adventure, romance, memoirs and fantasy are just some of the many genres available. Every woman will find something that appeals to her whether she enjoys heartrending tales or psychological thrillers. Buying books is easier than ever before with the many online stores available today. It is even possible to find those with reduced prices and other special offers.

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