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Thursday, January 7, 2016

Info Post
By Ronald Martin

Some novels are excruciating to read with a price tag that feels like daylight robbery. Others only exist as wonderful stories in the minds of peoples who never began to write. Writing a novel is one of the easiest tasks you will ever engage in if you avoid some of the errors that have ended promising careers or even stopped others from taking off.

Most would-be writers are waiting for inspiration to pen down their first line. There is no perfect time to write. All you need is to get into the right state of mind. Decide to always write something. Always carry a note book. Pen down a few lines or paragraphs each day or dedicate a particular duration, e. G. 30 minutes to one hour every day or week. That is the only inspiration you need. Otherwise, no power will come from anywhere with a story and characters for you to transfer them to a paper.

Looking over your shoulder ensures that nothing gets done. Looking back includes worrying about how good or bad your work will be. Focusing too much on the doubts creates fear which limits your creativity. To avoid these doubts you may choose to write whatever comes to mind for five non-stop minutes. The other trick is to brainstorm and pick the best idea. You may also consider the exercise of describing something in a page-long sentence.

Ignoring the advice given by experienced writers and publishers is a perfect way to fail. Like any other trade, writing has a set of rules to be followed. Understand these rules and later break them to create your own. Promising authors have gone further to disparage and insult the experienced ones. To succeed, you need to analyze the works of experienced writers and use their experience to become a better author.

A sure way to scuttle your writing career is to consider the words of your editors and critiques as personal attacks. Regard it as an opportunity to improve. Wallow for a while and then get back to the keyboard. Learn from the critique and gradually improve on your work.

Targeting a best seller for profit and fame will only lead to failure. The problem with this approach is that you become a copy cat. The industry is thirsty for a fresh voice and ideas which cannot emanate from copying. Explore numerous materials and find a unique voice that will identify your brand.

Many other writers got lost in shortcuts. The shortcuts include e-book platforms and self publishing. Traveling down this route has made many writers to turn rogue. They ignore rules and critique from experts and instead consider the words of social media followers and friends who cannot provide an objective assessment. A great novel must be acceptable across traditions, generations and in the intellectual circles.

A sure way never to write a book is to quit. Writing is not a profession for the lazy, fainthearted and quitters. It is for a person willing to work long hours in order to produce a single paragraph. Those entering the industry with dreams of instant success are up for disappointment. Novels are as a result of long working hours, thorough research and dedication. Quitting is a path that many have taken and thus never let the world read their most beautiful stories.

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