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Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Info Post
By Susan Cox

The book got us thinking. Our thoughts jump from one good thing to a bunch of the bad excessively that it made our heads hurt. Maybe we got triggered by the reviews we have seen about this book or maybe we have just prolonged something. We are not sure. But when you realize that depression has always been there even back then and that no one has a magical or scientific way of getting rid of it until now, you think. You think a lot. They are not nice thoughts but what can we do? At least Katy is Flying High Soaring Above Tragedies Of Life.

A reviewer of this story says it all. Katy came from an abusive family that was wrapped around alcohol. When she decided to marry, it ended in suicide, leaving her with a son. When she fell in love again and married for the second time, her husband died in a crash. It seems that this woman just could not take a break.

First and foremost, no one should have to go through that kind of life alone. Suicide being at the center of it because of her first husband, what would that leave her with? She was left to care for the son alone. In all honesty, Katy is one of the bravest woman ever to have walked and flown over our planet.

In retrospect, maybe it is not the doctors to blame here but the human race itself. The only reason we have these issues and problems is because we are so goddamn emotional. Or worse, emotionless. We humans are so complicated and our own enemies are ourselves to be honest. We create our own problems and then have the gall to complain about it.

Because your kid deserves happiness and it is unfair to let him grow up with your depression peeking out a lot. You love him and he is precious. So what do you do except to hide your issues from him and from everyone to avoid getting hurt again and to protect your light?

It is sad that we have become like this. Or maybe issues like this has also been common back then and just was not as voiced out as it is now. Famous people, especially artists, struggle with this every day. We keep losing them to suicide without even knowing that they were depressed and tired to begin with.

If we were gods, would we be better? All of us? With that kind of power and immortality, are we going to go crazy with those or do we come out on top better than ever? Maybe Katy has been a goddess all this time. Her life seems like a Greek Tragedy already.

She flew above all her sadness. Whether it was to be cowardly to be flying away from her problems or not, since it was her only way to stay sane, who can fault her, really? Besides, flying has been one of her passions.

Let her actions and bravery be a lesson to everyone struggling with the same issues. Take her fight as an example and do not give up. And while it might not be our personal preference on what book to read, we still recommend tackling the book.

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