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Friday, September 7, 2018

Info Post
By Raymond Jackson

In the late 1800s and early 1900s, there were a number of religious establishments and organizations. One such group were those whom followed RUSSELLISM and the BIBLE STUDENT MOVEMENT. A movement which would later be known as Jehovah's Witnesses throughout the world. As such, the founder Charles Russell left quite a legacy when passing in 1929.

Charles Russell was born in Allegheny, Pennsylvania into the family of a shopkeeper. Ms. Russell passed away when Charles was only 9 years old. As a result, the Russells relocated to Pittsburgh in hope of a better life. As a teenager, Charles helped as a part-time shopkeeper in a new family run store while also studying scriptures on a regular basis.

The family then moved to Pittsburgh and joined the local Presbyterian church. As Charles did not feel a connection to God through the church, the young boy left and joined the Congregational Church. During this time, Charles would chalk chapters and verses of the Bible on sidewalks and fence posts hoping to convert non-believers.

At the age of 18, Charles had a discussion with a close friend. The friend provided information suggesting there were major faults with Bible stories and the Christian faith. At which time, Charles began to question the faith. Then, after hearing a sermon by an Adventist Minister, Russell went through a renewal of faith in God and in the belief that the Bible was in fact the inspired word of God.

Charles then became involved with the Bible Student Movement. During which time the Jehovah Witness publication known as Zion's Watch Tower, now the Watch Tower was first published by Russell. While also publishing another pamphlet called the Herald of Christ's presence, that publication was never as widely accepted as the Watch Tower.

After having written a number of sermons, pamphlets, tracts and books, Pastor Russell published a six volume series called Millennial Dawn, a Biblical studies course. After which, the name of the study series was later changed to Studies in the Scriptures. Later, there was a seventh volume published and included in future printings of the series.

A pastor by the name of Rutherford took over the movement when Russell passed on. Still, even with a new leader, the organization faced a crisis. For, Russell was a beloved leader whom many found hard to replace. As a result, a number of other individuals left the group and began starting small individual religious organizations in which different policies and procedures were implemented.

While there were a number of reasons provided as to why those whom departed from the group did so, there have no official reasons provided to date. While there were several individual groups, two which were most popular and well known were that of the Laymen's Home Missionary Movement and the Pastoral Bible Institute. While different in organizational procedure, both groups provided members with a very similar structure to that of the Bible Study Movement.

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