Breaking News
Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Info Post
By Andrew Jones

There some things that people just cannot have any sense of scale of. Like how big the world is. The fact is that most people will never leave their hometowns. They will be born, live, die, and be buried with a hundred square miles. It is also hard for some to grasp just how many human beings they are. As of 2018, there were 7.6 billion human beings alive. Now, most can comprehend a million. But its also hard to comprehend a billion, let alone almost eight of them. But what is not hard to understand is there are those who need help after a disaster occurs, and one way that help can be offered is with the Cookie ParadeBook and Earthquake Safety.

An earthquake is when the ground shakes. It is caused when fault lines underneath the surface are disturbed. Or when volcanoes explode.

It should also be explained just how dangerous it is. There really is not much in the world that can present more danger to whole societies than earthquakes. This is because everyone lives on land, and an earthquake is when the land starts to think that maybe it would be better off without all those people and their buildings and such.

But the aftermath can also be pretty bad. This is because there is usually a window in which things get very chaotic. This is emblematic of all natural disasters, truth be told. Emergency services can get stretched to the breaking point.

A cookie is a type of treat. It is made of dough mixed in with some other stuff. It is relevant because in the aftermath of one such calamity, individuals from all over the world sent in tins of cookies. Because if there is one thing that humanity can be counted on to do, it is to show some basic levels of empathy and compassion in the event of major disasters.

But that was not all that was done. Another thing that was done was to make a book about it. The book contains artwork made by kids who lived through it. It also has some instructions regarding what to do when the ground starts dancing.

Due to the internet being extant, finding the book will not be a task that presents itself with a lot of adversity. All that needs to be done is to type in a few keywords into a search bar, hit the button on the keyboard marked ENTER, and then wait for the results to come back, which they invariably will.

Money is going to be involved. This is because the proceeds from the sales are supposed to go to the people who need it the most. There are not authors making billions and buying private jets and then selling the movie rights here. Just some help for those who are in dire straits.

The thing about the world is that it is full of good and bad. At times, it can look as if the latter outweighs the former. But the reverse is true.

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