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Thursday, September 27, 2018

Info Post
By Raymond Robinson

If you've got a knack for writing sales copy and want to make some extra income without going into an office every day, there are business websites that could use your services. You could market those services to the supplement industry and become a natural health copywriter. To do the job well, and increase your client base, you have to learn everything you can about what the motivation is behind the purchases supplement consumers make.

You want to get to know these consumers as well as you can. Researching the demographics that fit the general profile is one way to do it. It is often the case that completely different demographics are drawn to supplements for entirely different reasons.

You will find all kinds of blogs where people are discussing the merits of certain health regimens and why they choose them. If you already have a client in this market, he may have already conducted some informal surveys. The results will be very helpful.

Good copy is always conversational. You have to write the way you talk to friends and colleagues. The language needs to be straightforward and easy to understand. You don't want to sound preachy or superior. Good writers break the rules of sentence structure all the time. You can do this, without abandoning good grammar, in a way that gets your point across.

You have to get into the mind of your target audience. You must find out what their concerns are. You need to know what kinds of problems they have so you can address the solution. The product or service you are writing about is the solution to their problems. It is your job to tell them why and convince them it is important for them to act.

You should not underestimate the importance of great headlines. You should craft this copy carefully experimenting with different words and phrases to find the most compelling. You can be marketing the greatest product in the world, but it won't make any difference if the headline doesn't compel your reader to stop and learn more about it.

Second in importance to the headline is the first sentence of the text. Once you have gotten the reader's attention with the headline, you don't want him to lose interest with a complicated introduction. You must use straightforward language and offer solid information. The first sentence should tell the reader you understand the problem. The text that follows must explain how you're going to solve it.

When you are writing about things like supplements, many readers will be skeptical. They require proof instead of outrageous claims. Testimonials are compelling but not sufficient. It usually takes some sort of scientific evidence, specifically addressing the claims made, that turns readers into buyers. As the copywriter it is your job to bridge that divide.

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