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Wednesday, September 26, 2018

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By Michael Bailey

A good book will change your life forever. On the other hand, well written historical fiction novels for adults make you feel as if you have packaged your bags and made a voyage around the world and back in time. There are authors who have mastered this art of writing and will take away your breath with every word. Here is a look at some of these writers and their classic titles.

The Help is a 5 star rated title by Karthryn Stockett. It is the story of three women that you will never forget. In 1962, only a ring on the finger would make the mother of a girl settled. Skeeter cannot take the pressure from her mother. She finds solace in Aibileen, a black maid who has own challenges to deal with. Aibileen has Minny known for her notoriety but working for a new boss who also has secrets to hide. Enjoy the new frontier that these women will curve for themselves.

Anthony Dorrer is the pen behind All the Light We Cannot See. The novel is set in France, a territory that is already occupied during war. A German boy will meet a blind French girl and fall in love. The physical descriptions used by Anthony and the metaphors give you a live feed of the risk that these two characters have to face to stay together.

Would you take an enemy into your house without feeling like a traitor? Well, Vianne is forced to do that after the Nazis invade France in caravans, tanks and bombers. This puts her life and that of her daughter in terrible risk. Discover the terrible mistakes she makes, one after the other and how these mistakes are resolved in the works of Kristin Hannah titled The Nightingale.

There is a Japanese twist to the historical narratives in Memoirs of a Geisha. This is a world where the highest bidder buys the virginity of a woman. Women are assigned value based on their appearance. Arthur Golden takes you on a journey full of romance, erotic descriptions and suspense never seen anywhere else.

The place of women in the society has not always been as privileged as many may think. The Invention of Wings captures the struggle of women towards hope and freedom. For Sarah, she has a vision that her calling is more than the gender assigned roles. You will learn about the liberation movement and fight for women rights in a way only fiction can tell.

Anita Diamant in The Red Tent takes you to the bible to read about the character Dinah. The character of Dinah is hashed compared to the prominent persons like Jacob and Isaac. It is about early womanhood and how it is lost in the patriarchal narratives that permeate religious teaching. You will get a renewed view of women and womanhood, different from what is captured in the bible.

There are numerous novels by excellent writers you should consider as part of your historic reading. Check reviews of other passionate readers and their ratings to get an idea of what to expect from each title. There are enough titles to serve the preferences of each reader and address different concerns in history. This is a category of thrillers and best sellers.

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